Recently I needed to work with windows scheduled task, and noticed that it is possible to consolidate/organize the tasks inside tasks scheduler in folders. Essentially a possibility to consolidate the tasks by topics or vendor.
In order to work with task scheduler I’m using the Task Scheduler Managed Wrapper, by David Hall, available from or as a nuget download.
Sub Folder management:
So it took me a minute to understand that sub folder collection and all the related functions are located under RootFolder and not available as immediate TaskService children.
TaskService taskService = new TaskService(); if (taskService.RootFolder.SubFolders.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.Name=="MyFolder")==null) { taskService.RootFolder.CreateFolder("MyFolder"); } ... taskService.RootFolder.SubFolders["MyFolder"].RegisterTaskDefinition("MyTask", taskDefinition);
You need to check for existing folder with the same name, calling CreateFolder with existing name will throw an exception.