Tuesday, October 28, 2014

C# Creating a windows scheduled task inside a folder



Recently I needed to work with windows scheduled task, and noticed that it is possible to consolidate/organize the tasks inside tasks scheduler in folders. Essentially a possibility to consolidate the tasks by topics or vendor.


In order to work with task scheduler I’m using the Task Scheduler Managed Wrapper, by David Hall, available from taskscheduler.codeplex.com or as a nuget download.

Sub Folder management:

So it took me a minute to understand that sub folder collection and all the related functions are located under RootFolder and not available as immediate TaskService children.

TaskService taskService = new TaskService();
 if (taskService.RootFolder.SubFolders.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.Name=="MyFolder")==null)

taskService.RootFolder.SubFolders["MyFolder"].RegisterTaskDefinition("MyTask", taskDefinition);

You need to check for existing folder with the same name, calling CreateFolder with existing name will throw an exception.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

How to view source code of an email in Outlook 2013

    Sometimes you need to review an email source code (especially if you are the one who sent the email).

    In Outlook 2013:

    1. Open the email in a new window.
    2. In the ribbon – find the Actions drop down menu.
    3. In Other Actions menu, choose the “View Source” option.



Thursday, October 16, 2014

New (for me) Windows shortcuts


All tested on Windows 8 and 8.1


Ctrl+Shift+ESC – Opens Task Manager

Ctrl+Shift+Right Click on the Taskbar – adds “Exit Explorer” option to the context menu.


Win+X – opens a very useful menu with menu shortcuts. (this one is not very new, but some people don’t know about it - I use it every day)


Saturday, October 4, 2014

Cash Back–Smart shopping

Just discovered this, so here is what I know at this point (probably going to update this post later with additional info).
If I’m wrong about something, whoever reads this, please feel free to provide more information in comments.
The cash back sites are probably getting some revenue for referring customers to specific vendors. Some of that revenue they share with the customers.
The main thing to remember is that in order to be eligible for any refund, I need to pass through the cash back web and not go directly to the vendor site. This probably means that can get a refund only from a single cash back site, even if signed up with several ones which have contract with a specific vendor.
Currently known cash back sites:
Ebates – Should be good for ebay, amazon.com purchases.
Extrabux – Should be good for AliExpress, amazon.com
BeFrugal – Should be good for AliExpress, amazon.com
PouringPounds – for British vendors
Following the signup, there is usually a need to confirm the email address and to set cash back checks postal address. As an alternative, which is great for non US users like me, there is an option to get the cash back to paypal account.
Now, all that is left is to wait for the Black Friday Smile

* Disclaimer – the links to cash back sites contain my referral code, which means that I’ll get some refund for referral. In most of the cases, it will also generate some for the person who signs.

My blogNote

I’m going to make some changes to this blog.

From the beginning it was all about my (lack) of memory, and having an online storage for all the stuff that is going to be helpful for me in the future. I assumed that it will be helpful for others as well, therefore I choose a blog and not some closed and private storage.

The assumptions are still true, but the content, which was primary software development oriented, is probably going to change, as I’m going to use this blog for my “life hack” content as well.

The blog was abandoned for a while, but this just means that I’ll have even more things to rediscover and to share.

The idea of sharing the stuff that I discover and to use some of it to generate any kind of revenue for myself is new for me, so hope it will work out with minimal hiccups…

Wish me luck.