Friday, July 13, 2007

Control Firefox Tabs With Your Keyboard

Firefox makes mouse-less browsing a breeze with these simple shortcuts:
  • Ctrl T will open a new tab
  • Ctrl shift T will undo closed tab
  • Ctrl Page Up and Ctrl Page Down will scroll through your tabs
  • Ctrl Number will bring you instantly to a certain tab.  eg. If you hit Ctrl and ?3? you will go to the third tab
  • Ctrl D will bookmark the current tab
  • Ctrl Shift D will bookmark all the tabs in the window

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bash Tutorial


bashscripting.pngBash scripts are collections of command line operations that automate frequently-performed actions in the terminal. If you're sick of typing out a set of commands one by one, it's time to script 'em out. Tech site Computer Science Directory has a full introduction to bash scripting perfect for the absolute beginner and advanced enough for seasoned bash pros.



Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hotwire graphical terminal

Hotwire.pngFree open-source app Hotwire is a GUI-based terminal with auto completion. Hotwire has most of the functionality of the bash shell tucked into an easy-to-use GUI. Intended to replace the Linux terminal, Hotwire is perfect for Linux beginners. Hotwire is a perfect way for new users to dip a toe into the terminal without diving in head first. Hotwire is a free download for Linux only. Ubuntu users can install Hotwire using:

sudo apt-get install hotwire

*Hotwire isn't in the Ubuntu repository. You have to download the .deb file from and install it manually.

This is also for Windows. See



Sunday, July 8, 2007

Wikipedia for video - Vidipedia

Vidipedia is the first wiki on the internet to feature unlimited,  streaming video as a media option. Users can edit any page or video they like, creating an organized archive of digital media.

Min Map Wikipedia - WikiMindMap

 WikiMindMap takes a pleasant visual approach to the text heavy Wikipedia, showcasing additional relevant content that you may have never searched for.