brew tap cantino/mcfly
brew install mcfly
3. Zsh config:
eval "$(mcfly init zsh)”
brew tap cantino/mcfly
brew install mcfly
3. Zsh config:
eval "$(mcfly init zsh)”
On my home Windows 10 I was getting an error when calling `pip install` command:
Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'ReadTimeoutError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out.
I’ve seen posts where others had the same issue on Linux systems.
The solution for this issue was to disable IPv6.
On Windows, go to Properties of the network adapter, and find “Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6). Uncheck the checkbox and reboot (in my case reboot was not needed, but it is advised).
Cunningham's Law: "The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, it's to post the wrong answer."
Sherlock Holmes in The Great Game says, “people do not like telling you things; they love to contradict you”. Therefore if you want smart answers, do not ask a question. Instead, give a wrong answer or ask a question in such a way that it already contains the wrong information. It is highly likely that people will correct you.
I needed to profile a python app on my mac. Was it too much to ask? Apparently it was...
Anyhow for the most basic stuff the following articles helped a lot:
Handy Python profiling analysis with pstats interactive browser
I prefer not to change my code so call cProfile from the terminal like this:
python -m cProfile -o prof_results
which would generate the prof_results file with the results.
Then call:
python -m pstats prof_results
to view the results.
`pstats` can filter and sort the output, but I couldn't find a way to show a nested view.
It seems that there are a few packages out there that are supposed to help better visualize the profiling results, but all/most of them are outdated or couldn't deal with the complexity of my output.
The only/best result I finally settled on was to use Spyder.
Installation on Big Sur was not pleasant. dmg installation is not working for me, and other options were problematic.
pip install spyder worked!
In order to profile in spyder follow this: Spyder Profiler